Thelyphonida commonly known as whip scorpions or vinegarroons or, range in size from 25 to 85 mm in length.

Whip scorpions are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the worldwide, usually in underground burrows that they dig with their pedipalps. They may also burrow under logs, rotting wood, rocks, and other natural debris, enjoying humid, dark places. They generally avoid the light and hence are usually nocturnal.

Whip scorpions use only six legs for locomotion, with the first pair modified to serve as antennae-like sensory organs. Many species also have very large scorpion-like pedipalps (pincers). They have one pair of eyes at the front of the cephalothorax and three on each side of the head.

Unlike true scorpions, whip scorpions have no poison glands, but they do have glands near the rear of their abdomen that can spray a combination of acetic and octanoic acid as a deterrent when provoked. This mixture has a distinct vinegar-ish smell, from which their name originates. Some species spray formic acid or chlorine.

Whip scorpions are carnivorous, nocturnal hunters feeding mostly on insects especially cockroaches and crickets which they are sometimes used to control but may also feed on worms and slugs.

Males secrete a sperm sac, which is transferred to the female. Up to 35 eggs are laid in a burrow, within a mucous membrane that preserves moisture. Females stay with their eggs and do not eat. The white young that hatch from the eggs climb onto their mother’s back and attach themselves there with special suckers. After the first molt, they look like miniature whip scorpions, and leave the burrow; the mother dies soon after. The young grow slowly, going through three molts in about three years before reaching adulthood.

Source: Wikipedia

Family Thelyphonidae

Thelyphonus sp. 0F1A0940 (Singapore)

Thelyphonus sp. 0F1A9178 (Sabah, Malaysia)

Thelyphonus sp. 0F1A2230 (Tangkoko NP, Indonesia)