Tropiduchidae is a family of planthoppers in the order Hemiptera. There are at least 160 genera and 600 described species in Tropiduchidae. The family was previously treated as a subfamily of Issidae and is still treated by some as a subfamily. For the purpose of the this site, a family level treatment will be used.

Source: Wikipedia

Subfamily Tropiduchinae

Tribe Tambiniini

Kallitaxila sp. 0F1A0785
Kallitaxila sp. 086A4470
Kallitaxila sp. 0F1A3839
(Sabah, Malaysia)

Tribe Tropiduchini

Varma sp. 0F1A3582
(Sabah, Malaysia)

Unidentified Tropiduchidae

Tropiduchidae 0F1A1285
Tropiduchidae 0F1A7231
Tropiduchidae 086A5244
Tropiduchidae 0F1A8408
(Sabah, Malaysia)
Tropiduchidae 086A1579
Tropiduchidae 086A6792
Tropiduchidae 086A4474